WIR: 5/9

So, this is Archmere’s 2028 Class. Crazy right? The boy officially enters high school next fall. Last night, we spent the night down there, getting his computer, taking school ids, measuring for school uniforms. And getting to know his classmates. He naturally gravitated to a couple of Kingsway kids. But he did catch up with a fellow baseball player (big kid) who took the admission test the same day.

As soon as we arrived, we ran into the Dean of Admissions. She cheerfully said “I remember you, do you remember me?” She has an effervescent personality so she’s hard not to remember.

Funny story: the cross country team (several pretty girls) were begging Zachary to join the fall team. He politely refused (as I secretly said to them “keep trying”…so each time we went by, they begged. At the very end, he did sign up. The boy clearly needs to work on his game….or maybe, just maybe, he was playing hard to get. It didn’t hurt that the baseball coach asked if doing a fall sport and said it was a great way to make connections before school starts. Football is the big fall sport but the boy is not a football player. And we know soccer is not his thing. So maybe cross country…tough one for a boy that doesn’t like to run.

The two clubs he targeted, robotics and debate. Personally, I’m really hoping that he gives debate a shot. Such a great learning tool. Interesting plot twist, the boy uses his debate skills against his parents to get out of cleaning. Can’t happen..won’t happen, lol.

We ended the night at their theater. It’s clear that Archmere desires kids who are well rounded. Actively telling them to try different things, explore high school, not just get caught up with grades. It really is a solid setting for him and we truly hope he enjoys every minute of it, the lows and the highs. So onward we trek as a soon to be high school family.

About EagleLore

We're Mike & Michelle, the proud parents of our Korean born son, Zachary. This blog shares our adoption story. "As soon as we saw you, we knew an adventure was going to happen."~Winnie the Pooh.

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