This week, I saw a fascinating quote that spoke to our week. The quote, “everything you want is just beyond your fears”
The boy went beyond his fears this week and we couldn’t be prouder. For month’s this week has been circled in his mind. Summer school at St. Joe Prep, followed by crew on the river. Even the weekend before, he was very reluctant to go. And as a mom, I totally understood. First time on his own, going to school in the city. Much different than his local school’s experience.
As we talked, we told him it was okay to be nervous. But don’t let that get in the way of life experiences. Use that nervous energy to try something new.
So as he got on the bus that first day, we were apprehensive but hopeful. Would he keep an open mind or shut it down?
Fear is a funny thing. It can either propel you forward or leaving you stuck unable to move. Luckily for us, the boy chose to push forward. He really liked St. Joe. He spoke glowingly of the school, teachers and other students.
As for crew, it’s been a fun experience, but not in his wheel house. Crew is hard work and he’s using muscles that have never been used. Fun experience, yes. Interested in pursuing: no. And that’s all right. He gave it a try and that’s what counts.
Facing fear and conquering them are tremendous life lessons. So very proud of him. He has dreams. And now we know, whatever the future holds, he’s acquiring tools to work toward making those dreams reality.
Why not me! Z spotted this on the tshirt back of a Prep crew member and brought it up to us. Indeed, why not him. Life is full of adventure.