This weekend, our amazing son becomes a teenager. His path of an adopted kid from South Korea to living with us has truly been the most incredible story. From the beginning images, we wondered about the chunky kid with the funny comb over and very large feet. The decision to adopt, and from a place so far away, can be scary. So many unknowns. But from the moment we met him, we knew it was the best decision. And look, that chunky little kid with bad hair, is now super handsome…and taller than me.
He lights up our lives in so many ways. And yes, we have our moments but he has blessed us. Made us better people. Opened up our hearts to experiences that would have been permanently locked without him.
Zachary was born in the year of the White Tiger. And boy does he exhibit a lot of those traits. Strong, competitive, assertive. He has big dreams and works hard to achieve them. And did I mention that he’s a straight A student. Looks, personality, drive and smarts, ladies beware.
As we jump into the teenage years. we’re going to cherish every moment. Watching him evolve as a person. Knowing there will be good and bad days along the way. Loving him immensely. Our son is our greatest gift. Happy Birthday to our teenage son.