Another fast week in the books. The boy had two test this week and aced both of them. Mike continues to work with him turning verbal questions into math equations. Now if he could just figure out how to get out of this beach chair. I’m sure there is a mathematical equation in there somewhere.
And this week, we added band. The boy is not happy about it but we continue on. He came home with six songs to learn. The hardest being the star Spangle Banner and it’s high e and d. So it’s been a loud, earth shattering sound week. The boy really knows how to make the horn loud.
We also had a baseball game thrown in there as well. Not his best pitching, but he went two for two at the plate. His elusive swing is making a come back just in time for MSI
The weather has been amazing. I’ve been in the pool swimming the past few days. Love the repetitive sounds of it with the last rays of good weather beaming through the pool.
Last weekend, we spent time with the family in Ocean City. Fun filled with trips to Manco, Browns and Island Grill. We’re really starting to perfect the OC lifestyle. Need someone to chase sea gulls? I think we have your man.
Finally, mommy and Zachary destroyed his league in Fantasy Baseball. One loss the entire season. We’ve had elite pitcher after elite pitcher on his team. You know your good when Jacob DeGroum goes down and it was just a blip on the radar And it’s an important math lesson for the boy. Pitchers earn more than fielders per week, so load up on the top guns. See math can be really, really fun, especially when you win by 200 points.