This week, we saw a new activity introduced into our week. The boy began band practice with everyone. Due to Covid, we have not participated in the practices that were indoor. This week, the weather was so nice that the director took everything outdoors. So, now every Tuesday and Thursday, during the lunch hour, Zachary heads to band. And to be honest, he’s really not been enthusiastic about playing his trumpet. So, hopefully this will help. I don’t know how he does it, but he doesn’t sound half bad, considering how little work he actually puts into it. With that said, he has put more effort this week, basically practicing before school starts. We had a nice conversation about how kids that are active in sports and other activities have to be highly aware of time management. Good for me, because I’m an early riser….bad for daddy, that now awakes to the sound of trumpet.
Speaking of time management, Grandmom gave us tulips for Easter. They are a beautiful purple color and were in full bloom when given. However, by mid-week, the sweetest little tulip appeared. It’s now my favorite flower. And it took its good old time to arrive. Sometimes being slow with time management can be good too.
This week with Tom House we sent a before and after Mustard video. The before is just crazy. His head is so bent over toward first base. I have no idea how he even through the ball. It was really cool, because Jordan asked him what he saw. Zachary, without hesitation, went through from set up to release. Tom said, looks like we have a pitching coach after he’s done playing. They then went into his current form. Tom had Jordan back up video to show Zachary’s leap. He said that’s how it’s done.
It is still a work in progress. Last Saturday, he pitched and really struggled. For some reason, the smaller mounds with big drops, really hurt him. I suspect it’s a strength issue where he can’t get his leg straight at release. Last night, he also pitched against a not so good team. Our first pitcher really struggled. Then, they brought Zachary in. He ended up throwing close to 60% strikes, struck out 6 kids and walked 2. More importantly, he looked in control. Not rushing between pitches. We had a nice long talk about having a commanding presence. Definitely an advantage to the pitcher and not the batter. Still some things to clean up, but he is starting to feel more confident on the mound. From the hitting side, he kept whelping hits, directly at fielders. Finally, on his last at bat, he smacked one down the right field, coming inches from being a home run. Instead, the boy settled for a triple. So close, but yet so far away. Sometimes, that the breaks in baseball.