I’m not going to lie, I hate watching the end of summer. It’s not that I don’t like fall, I do…but I know what season comes after….and with that season, I’m on less than friendly terms. I just know my arch nemesis, Artic Wind is waiting to pounce.
We spent Labor Day Weekend, down at the shore. It was a little depressing, not having family around, but with the virus, it’s not worth the risk. Almost no one had mask on. We basically stayed at the house, or put up camp way far away from everyone else on the beach—which meant, way back by the dunes.
That didn’t stop some fun games. We introduced the boy to bocce ball. Little did we know that daddy is like a bocce savant. I will give him this, he has incredible hand eye coordination. After several rounds, the boy refused to play with him. That brought mommy up, and a more fair match. Suddenly, the boy’s mood changed.
Then there was beach baseball. We stopped to pick up some games, and he walks out with a ball and bat. Yes, we waited most of the day to bring that bad boy out, but when the beach cleared out, we had some fun. Note, it’s not easy hitting a ball that is moving around from the wind. The boy found found a way.
Did I mention that the boy and his father had Manco’s not once but twice in a matter of a day? I couldn’t believe they finished one pizza by themselves. And the boy, wanted to bring another one home, lol.
Certainly not an action pack weekend, but it was nice to get away for only a bit. We now settle in for fall and wait for Dr. Evil to return.