4th Grader

This week, Zachary started 4th Grade. It’s hard to imagine that this was a little boy eager for kindergarten a few short years ago. I miss those days sometimes.

But at the same time, I cherish these moment. I love the talks we have when he arrives home to tell me about his day. Some days he’s more forthcoming than others. But I respect his space.

Last night, we talked about the different clubs he’s able to join this year. My mom was a big believer in if you play sports, you also need that artistic side. I’m so grateful she introduced us to that way of thinking. It’s something we also want to give to Zachary.

He wants to join the chorus and art club. Chorus is very competitive to get into. So, I emailed the teacher inquiring how to add him as a candidate. She promptly responded that she would add him and bring in his permission form first thing. She also said that she was eager to have Zach in the ensemble..so looks like she remembers him (not sure if that’s good or bad, lol).

With the art club, he’ll learn to draw and paint on canvass. Hope he gets into this club. He’s really good at drawing, much better than his mama. I love the creativity that eases out of him.

Next year (gulph), he can start band. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there..but the boy is adamant that he wants to play trumpet. Somewhere, my mom is laughing, happy that the noise revenge is hitting my house. Now I understand why she wanted me to be a flute player like herself!

About EagleLore

We're Mike & Michelle, the proud parents of our Korean born son, Zachary. This blog shares our adoption story. "As soon as we saw you, we knew an adventure was going to happen."~Winnie the Pooh.

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