Super Bowl

So last Saturday after out basketball game, the boy wasn’t hungry. He went upstairs to play with his buddies.  As day shifted into night, still no signs of hunger.  Weird, I thought. The boy is not eating.

Aroubd 5, Z came downstairs to eat and while in the kitchen..the big one occurred.  A massive throw up that looked like Niagara Falls.  And with that, the boy was introduced to the Super Bowl and his streak was effectively over.  What streak is that, you may ask.  The streak of NEVER EVER vomiting at home.  And I mean never…the boy has a stomach of steel.

With that, father and son were off to Urgent Care, where thankfully the flu was ruled out.  All signs point to a 24 hour virus. By next morning, the boy was back..probably a couple of pounds lighter and full of probiotic.

And as with life, a new streak began…1 day free of nasty throw up.



About EagleLore

We're Mike & Michelle, the proud parents of our Korean born son, Zachary. This blog shares our adoption story. "As soon as we saw you, we knew an adventure was going to happen."~Winnie the Pooh.

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