
It’s been a tough basketball season.  We won our first game last weekend in a nail biter.  With 40 seconds left, our left wing hit a shot to seal the win.  It was so rewarding to see how excited the boys were and after several losses was well deserved

But that hat excitement was short lived.  On Wednesday, we lost another game 19-12.  We just couldn’t conquer their zone defense so the offense fizzled.  And on defense, they simply scored down low with their three big guys.

The hard part for me, as the head coach, was seeing us running plays but still losing   Meanwhile the other team didn’t run plays but won.

So the question became are the boys over thinking.  There probably is some truth to it, but my basketball mind goes back to games are won running plays and hopefully down the road this helps our boys.  That’s a tough thing to teach when you keep losing.  But our team really has learned a lot: zone defense, pick and rolls, four actual plays, so they are improving..just not fast enough, lol

But alas, there is still hope.  We get another shot with the next game..another shot to learn, have fun and hopefully get the win




About EagleLore

We're Mike & Michelle, the proud parents of our Korean born son, Zachary. This blog shares our adoption story. "As soon as we saw you, we knew an adventure was going to happen."~Winnie the Pooh.

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