Lately, we’ve noticed that the boy eats a lot…and I mean a lot. It dawned on me as I stood in front of our bear (to snacks) pantry…that we might just have to start locking it. I mean really, where does the boy put it. Clearly covert measures must be taken in secret hiding spots for mommy’s stash
Daddy took it a step further and bought a minimum number of “bad” snacks instead opting to buy a bag of apples and other healthier snacks. I can imagine daddy walking into the grocery thinking i’ll slow down the boy. After all the boy feigns a severe aversion to anything healthy
But alas, we were mistaken and the healthy options were just a blip on the boy’s radar. He gobbled up his fudge cookies and ransacked through the entire bag of apples…in a weekend.
Which led me to say…some day, you won’t be able to eat like that so enjoy it now. (I now know how my mom felt as we pitted her kitchen)
It’s unknown whether the boy heard my desperate pleas for help through the crunching of his cereal…his second night time snack after karate.