This coming week we celebrate our sixth Gotcha Day. Crazy to think of a world without him. It seems so much longer than 6 years, in a good way. And this week with Zachary at his grandparents, we just reaffirmed what a blessing he has been. It’s strange to miss the sounds of the house without him.
We love the little person that he has become and the multiple facets of his essence.
There’s goofy Zachary who loves to joke and make others laugh.
Athletic Zachary who runs full speed ahead into each new adventure
There’s smart and sensitive Zachary:
There’s Mr. Imagineer, the boy with a super cute imagination
And and yes there is sometimes Grumpy Zachary. (This one a personal favorite in front of the Korean War Memorial). We manage through those times for sure. The boy is definitely strong willed
So many facets and I’m sure many more to be discovered as he gets older All I know is that he’s come a long way from this little man. I remember staring at this picture desperately wondering about our journey together and what type of kid he would turn out to be. It’s a scary proposition to adopt, so many unknown variables…but we can honestly say, it was the best decision of our life. It’s an honor to parent him and have his love. Happy Gotcha Day baby boy. We love you. You make our life complete