Last weekend, daddy ran the Philly Rock n Roll Half Marathon. As usual, he did very well, top 4% overall. The little guy was super excited. So when daddy got home, he presented him with a hand drawn gift. On the surface it appeared to be super sweet. I mean the sun is shining in bright yellow. There’s a prominent picture of dad running behind his 1st place son. But what drew my eyes was the picture of mommy with the dark cloud over my head. Say Zachary, why does mommy have a cloud over her head, mommy inquisitively asked.
And in that tone that only an all knowing boy could say…mommy that’s because you’re really, really slow and I thought rain might cool you off on your long run. Heart warming moment…until he added, I mean daddy and I would have already been finished, like an hour before you. Why you little rascal..