Labor Day

Our Labor Day was action packed.  My parents and uncles arrived on Thursday night.  On Saturday, we took off early for Texas to watch the SC/Bama game.  So much fun…result of game, not so much.  It was really cool to see the Trojan family out representing, even in an embarrassing lose.

As for Jerry is unreal…although the hubby (as an Eagles fan) hated it.  We knew we were in Cowboy land as soon as departed the plane.  As we sat waiting for my brother to arrive from LA, we talked with a local and he mentioned the Cowboy bar in the airport.  And when we went looking for Z Dog that’s exactly where we found him, surrounded by multiple SC fans.  And thus we began our day.

There was the cab driver who lost his sunglasses to Z.  The 2 hour tailgate where Trojan and Tide fans drank side by side (two blue bloods enjoying each other’s company).  The van ride over where Z asked a massive former Bama player to suit up and play left tackle for us (turns out, he probably could have helped). And, of course, the game where we started strong but finished with a thud.  In case you missed the game, here’s a quick recap.






And when we got back on Sunday, we played putt putt…because watching football was out of the question.  Keep an eye on Uncle Dick…because he has mad skills.  That bowling hand/eye coordination came in handy.



About EagleLore

We're Mike & Michelle, the proud parents of our Korean born son, Zachary. This blog shares our adoption story. "As soon as we saw you, we knew an adventure was going to happen."~Winnie the Pooh.

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