We’ve been slowly grinding our way through winter. And when we get one of those unseasonably warm days, we are out and about like gang busters. Last weekend, we were out with the little guy’s modernized big wheel, which he got for Christmas. This thing is awesome. When you brake, it spins out in the back. Unfortunate, mommy and daddy are a little too big for it…so instead we race around on his Razor. Can you say, I feel the need for speed..
The little guy is also working his way through kindergarten. Very proud of him. He’s doing great. We read each night and work on our numbers. And he tells me about his day, mommy loves this time with him.
This weekend, he’s doing a karate clinic with (gulp) weapons. Two wooden sticks, while child size, look painful. And don’t get me started with the nunchucks. Master Q has told us that the little guy is going to participate in a big karate outing in March and meet the Grand Master, who is Korean.