So last weekend, we did get hit with close to a two foot blizzard. And I’m not going to lie, Saturday was a long day. We woke to close to a foot of snow. Shoveled out a path for the girls…because these girls need grass to do their business. Ate lunch. Watched the snow fall …
Month: January 2016
Week in Rewind: Jan 22
As we sit here preparing for a blizzard this weekend, it occurred to me it’s man versus the wild. It’s armeggedon here, people..just listen to those over the top newsmen. There will be lots and lots of snow. So accordingly, we are bunkering in for the long haul, which to my best guess is …
Week in Rewind: Jan 15
I’m not sure how it happened but we missed a week. But we’re back baby and better than ever… We’ve been slowly grinding our way through winter. And when we get one of those unseasonably warm days, we are out and about like gang busters. Last weekend, we were out with the little guy’s modernized …