Once in the office, he claimed Mommy’s desk. And while looking out the window said look at all of those big houses! We then headed downstairs for the presentation and the kids taking of the oath of service….which totally cracked the parents up. The Chair said please stand, raise your right hand, and repeat after me: I (please state your name)… Which resulted in the kids saying I, please state your name.
After lunch, we headed out in the frigid weather to a close park. Not much there but building blocks and lots and lots of wind. Unfortunately the office moved to downtown which is not as kid friendly. As the little guy said, whoa there are lots of people and sirens…yep buddy
This week, the little guy also told us about love. While driving back home from school, he simply said, this song is about love mommy. Now I have to say, the song wasn’t a romantic ballad, but rather a bee bop of melody…but to each his own. That’s love, baby.