But by golly, the boy seems to be pulling it all together. Last weekend, for the first time, we played catch and he actually caught it. And I don’t mean, lucky catches that are trapped in his chest. No my friends, the little guy grasped that ball with his hands like a pro. Prayers Up!
And then there was putt putt while daddy was at the Eagles game. Mommy showed him how to start with his feet together and then move both feet, while over the ball. To say he got better by the end would be an understatement.
Someone also now sings the fight song and ran around like a maniac after we won. (Or was that mommy). Either way, the boy knows what makes his mommy happy. And he knows how to pick out the Song Girls
But the big news….the little guy did awesome in soccer. I admit, I circled the start date with fear. Last year, we ended micro soccer on a less than stellar note…and by note, imagine a perfectly pitched high c with the word NO. The boy refused to do anything. At one point he screamed his extreme dislike for anything soccer to the English coaches (my guess is that a major no no). And he ran from the field like a mad man.
This year, we talked extensively about having fun and listening to the coaches. And yes, mommy did a little prayer. Whether it be the power of God, the harvest moon, or simply blind luck, the little guy did fabulous. By fabulous, I mean there were no high c notes. And I’m pretty sure we’re invited back next week. Holler!