Week in Rewind: July 25

This week we made our first trip to a movie theater.  And the little guy loved it. Sure, there were a couple of moments of bouncy movement, but for the most part, he sat and watched.  There were also the hundreds of questions, but we cured that with popcorn.  Which, got me to thinking. Ladies, the boy has star potential written all over him.

He’s starting to show more karate coordination and has a pretty powerful punch.  Ladies, dare I say, action adventure star.

He also has his sensitive side ladies. He hands out kisses with the best of them.

And don’t get me started on his flair for the dramatic. I mean, those fake screams and cries, surely are Oscar worthy.

He dresses the part. Last night, he came down in a fashionable TIGHT, plaid pair of shorts. It’s called retro look, Mommy

And the hair, the hair. It never looks messed up. How does he do it!?

He’s demanding like a major star. Mommy, I said OJ not milk.

He has adoring fans. Getting him out of school is a love fest, filled with hugs and goodbyes.

As mentioned previously, he wants a shore house in the middle of Ohio, with no windows. Location, location, location, Mommy.

Yep, the boy is ready for prime time. Mommy, where are all of the chickaroos????

About EagleLore

We're Mike & Michelle, the proud parents of our Korean born son, Zachary. This blog shares our adoption story. "As soon as we saw you, we knew an adventure was going to happen."~Winnie the Pooh.

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