Week in Rewind: June 27

The week before my baby turns four. Scary to think that those days of chubby cheeks, diapers, and mommy assisted feedings are behind us.  In its place, a smart, thoughtful, rambunctious little boy.  A self proscribed Super Hero.  As we approach his day, I’ll resurrect, the top ten things we love about him

1.  The way he attacks life. This is not a boy who will let life overwhelm him
2.  His sensitive side. He’s still not afraid to give mommy a kiss, even in public
3.  His love of singing. There is nothing so sweet as to hear that little voice
4.  His inquisitive side: Mommy, what does that mean? And “why”
5.  His ability to make others laugh.  I may have a class clown, at least amongst his buddies
6.  His love of food. The boy definitely likes his food
7.  His role playing. Me thinks I have a Super Hero or fireman
8. His independent side: this is a boy who likes to do things HIS WAY.
9. His creative side. The boy does a mean coloring job, and don’t get me started with paint
10. His longing to always be with us.

We’ve been lucky to watch him grow.  While the sentimental part longs for those younger days, there is another part that can’t wait to see what lies beyond the horizon. Something tells me we just touched the surface.  I just hope that wickily cute smile never goes away.

About EagleLore

We're Mike & Michelle, the proud parents of our Korean born son, Zachary. This blog shares our adoption story. "As soon as we saw you, we knew an adventure was going to happen."~Winnie the Pooh.

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