Week in Rewind: Dec 13

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Ok, so we’ve had a ton of snow this past week and with more in the forecast for tomorrow, that adds up to a lot of snow.  But someone seems not to mine. This little guy stomps through the snow with the greatest of ease…or at …

Santa At The Firehouse

Today we made a last minute decision to see Santa at the local firehouse. Someone was super excited and sang the whole way there. But when confronted by the enormity of Santa, the little guy had second thoughts. So in went Mama. It was the best of all worlds. Santa and a fire house. Lately, …

The Long Goodbye

This morning the in laws headed back to Ohio.  House has been a little quiet. The little guy had lots of fun being catered too. There were plenty of belly laughs and books to read. And bubble baths made by a special someone. The time went fast… I’m not going to lie, it’s also been …

Thanksgiving Fun

This year we mixed it up a bit with dinner. The adults had fun role playing different characters. There was the child sitting on Santa’s lap telling him ALL of the gifts that he wanted. An elf helping Santa. And Scrooge waiting on the next ghost.

Tree Trimmings

While Grandma and Mommy worked on dinner, the boys made the house merry. Uncle Dick, Uncle Larry, Grandpa, Cameron and the little guy worked the tree.  While Daddy worked the outside lights. Did you see the awesome train?  Well, Grandpa, Uncle Dick, and Mommy braved the pouring rain to find one. And find one we …