Week in Rewind

So, this week started with a bit of a scare. Daycare called to say that the little guy fell and has a loose tooth. Now to put this in perspective, Korea pulled two of his bottom teeth because they were natal. His current issue involves the upper front. So Mama initially panicked because loosing the top tooth would be disastrous for good pictures (were not vain really!). So off to the dentist we rushed….only to learn there is a 50% chance that he could lose it. So far the tooth is hanging in there. We’re just hoping that it waits awhile to come out.   The best part, I quietly explained that he needed to be “extra careful” because of his loose tooth. This pep rally speech was short lived. He quickly stormed out of the car and immediately fell (yes, face forward). This boy will be the end of me!

This week also renewed our search for a Korean tutor. Which has been surprisingly hard!  We really want him to have some Korean language skills. And I was reenergized this week by a colleague that has 3 kids all learning Spanish as a second language. His words, start ASAP because once turn 5 it gets much harder. So, we continue our quest. There has to be someone out there that can help this handsome little boy, with or without teeth, right!

Someone also graduated o the big boy cup (like Mama’s). What he fails to see is that this big cup makes his milk look small. More Mama, More. He also has taken to sitting at the stool to watch as I cook dinner. Say Mama, that looks to be overdone. And where in the world did this kid gets his appetite. I’m just saying, the boy can put it down. Or as the dentist said, “he’s 3, wow!  My roommate in college was Korean and he was 6’2 and 200 pounds. I wouldn’t want to be the North Koreans”. Exactly. Or as Mama likes to say I wouldn’t want to be the kid who pokes fun of him for missing some teeth!

About EagleLore

We're Mike & Michelle, the proud parents of our Korean born son, Zachary. This blog shares our adoption story. "As soon as we saw you, we knew an adventure was going to happen."~Winnie the Pooh.

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