And then someone showed us that he figured out how to get that last drop of juice from his fruit cup.

Through out the week, the little guy continued his pursuit of knowledge. His new fav: EI, EI, O as in Old MacDonald. And a close second, “swish swish” complete with his fingers acting like a wiper. Can you figure out this popular nursery song?

Then there was Tuesday and a new hair cut. I have to admit that there was worry while it was getting done. I had the vision of Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber. It is shorter but he looks pretty darn cute with it.

One Wild Year

Around this time a year ago, our life changed forever. Mike received a call that there was a match. Mama was busy working an audit and didn’t receive the call because of poor cell phone reception. That is until I got home and checked my email. And there it was, number one with a bullet: …