Happy Birthday Great Grandmom

We wanted to wish Great Grandmom a Happy Birthday. I always tell Mike that he is extremely lucky to have his still around (i miss both of mine dearly) They are special people to have in your life. And with Great Grandmom we hit the jackpot. A beautiful lady, in all respects, who only seems …

I did hear Milk

The little guy continues his love affair with milk. Or as he so proudly says ilk please. Here’s some random thoughts from our week: As Linsanity has taken over the US, our hopes have been raised that the little guy might become the next Asian basketball sensation. The little guy’s new catch phrase, Hi Mama …

The Week that Was

Ever have one of those weeks where time seems to be speed up. Well that was our week. So welcome to a week in rewind. Let’s start with Saturday and the first snow in quiet awhile.